Friday, January 6

(this moment)

this was my morning moment  before rushing to work.

a mild winter day, yes.

kind enough to wander around in the grass with bare feet.

I am awaiting my new diana lens for my nifty nikon.

I want to play with pictures.

Create and be playful.

Lighten up just a bit.

Happy it is Friday and grounding again

in our daily routines that bring us comfort.

The knowing what to expect what is next.

(Yes, the unknown is unsettling.)

I know in this moment when life starts leading

you down a new path, interesting things are underway


just enjoy the trip.

This moment I have on my new fave flannel shirt,

just finished a big cup of hot vanilla-black pekoe tea.

My new impossible film is here ♥

Creating for this little project. Join us if you like.

I would love to have you.

(I have more info here on this project.)

All love, my friends. All good stuff.

Musing with Liz Lamoreux In this moment,

SouleMama {this moment}, Fabulous Friday, iPhonography.


  1. Love. The pic is fantastic and I really enjoyed reading your post - what you were doing right then. Thanks so much for linking up, Veronica! Hope our weekend is great!

  2. yay! glad to hear your new film arrived. that store is dangerous every time i go in there. thanks for joining {in the picture}.

  3. Awesome shot. But I don't think socks count as bare feet! ;)

  4. Love the colors in this image...
    can't wait to see your impossible film shots.
