Sunday, May 6


Hello friends and happy Sunday. I have not been here in awhile and thought I would just share a
moment of discovery from the weekend.
We drove along last evening chasing some thunderhead clouds to photograph and came along a
beautiful, abandoned farmhouse for sale. Of course you know I had to explore. I followed this lovely
fence around the house and found this little area to shoot. I must have taken 50 pictures. Places like

remind me of when I was little visiting my grandmother for the summer. I can only imagine the lives
and times that were lived here. The entire place was lovely with all of it's decay. I'm hoping to revisit

 it one more time for a few more shots.(I used my iphone for this photo)
I hope your weekend has been wonderful. Enjoy the rest of this day. Thanks for stopping by to visit!

                                                 ** You can also find me on instagram and flikr**

                                 Joining A Rural Journal for Your Sunday Best and The Simple Things.


  1. So, are we buying the little farmhouse? :) I'm so nosy.

    Love the white picket fence. Americana at it's finest, Vicky.

    Thanks for sharing at YSB this week. xoxo

  2. This is an amazing shot! I love that beautiful golden light.

  3. Looks like an ideal place to live.
